Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A quick one

Well, work´s progressing on fund raising, I have two grants in the pipe, several more I´ve going to write. Things are going quite well. Andrea and I just had a great conversation about language, why English is harder to learn than Spanish, feminism, machismo, cultural differences, life... having a 23 year old adopted sister with a totally different experience is a great way to gain perspective. Y practicar tu español.

Buena noche,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Drew,
I'm enjoying reading the blog - I just started; I figured I'd let it marinate a little while before I began reading. Anyway, it sounds like you're finally finding your stride a bit out there. Good luck with the Spanish and finding work to do.

By the way, I know you probably don't have much access to English language books down there, but when you get back, you should check out "The Adventures of Augie March" by Saul Bellow. I'd peg it as a combination between "The Great Gatsby" and "Catcher in the Rye," with maybe a little "On the Road" sprinkled in, heavy on character and vastly American.