Thursday, July 3, 2008


In the pocket of my track jacket, there's a little plastic tag. On one side it says "God bless and protect the Morrison family." On the other side, it has this prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

I've been fingering it a lot lately. Praying the Rosary, for strength to carry on through my own blunders and mistakes. For serenity to accept what happens to me and move on. For wisdom to learn the lessons I must learn here, however hard they may be. For this reason God has led me to this place.

23 days to go until I return home.

And I could sure use some prayers. If you feel like saying one. And I'll pray for my friends abroad and at home and my family. Because I think there are definitely situations and times when we should all have someone praying for us.

Like for 23 days of Grace. And for that to continue.


1 comment:

abbeyrymarczyk said...

Drew, the Serenity prayer has been in my thoughts quite a bit lately as well. It really helps in times when life seems tough. I'll keep you in my prayers as I say my goodbyes to all the people i've met in Trinidad, I fly home wednesday. See you down in dayton, and good luck with the rest of your trip.